Five-minute Natural Chocolate Candies: Recipe
"Valentine's Day is in TWO days?! What?!" I feel like I've been living under a rock or something, but I somehow totally missed it. So today I had to create at least something love-related to prepare for Friday. Nothing screams V-Day more than chocolate, hearts and... homemade gifts. So here it is: my 5-minute all-natural chocolate candies that can make a perfect last-minute gift for our loved-ones♥♥♥
My Recent Must-Have Mobile Apps: It's All Abt Efficiency;-)
Going Vegan: My Healthy Meat Alternatives
vegan may sound like a healthy decision, yet it can end up detrimental
to our health if we don't find vegan substitutes for the nutrients
found in animal products. Those nutrients include protein, calcium,
iron, zinc, vitamins B3, B6 and B12. Here's how I made sure that I still
get those from my new diet....
Sanctuary Beach Resort in Monterey Bay
Going to this resort at least once a year has become a real tradition of ours, but this year I was ready to break it. When Andrey booked it for us and a few friends, I simply had no choice but to say "no" because of disastrous lack of time... And I stayed home at first, but... then ended up driving there all by myself a day later - traditions should be respected, after all;-)
My First New Year's Resolution EVER: Eating Fruit 'n Berries in Season.
I didn't really plan it as a NY's resolution - I've been wanting to plan out my "fruit calendar" for months now, and it just happened so that I finally did it on... December 31st;-) So why not calling it my first EVER New Year's Resolution?;-) I thought I'd share with you the calender I put together - I hope it will give you some ideas also!
Four Ways to Purify Indoor Air Naturally
Recently I read on WebMD site that indoor air quality is almost
always worse than the air quality outside. It turned out that all the
pollutants that float in the air outside eventually make their way
inside our homes and office buildings. Yet indoors we have plenty more sources of pollution
that add greatly to all the "goodness" we breath in - both at home and
at work (where we spend almost 99% - if not 100% - of our time!) Some of the indoor air
pollution sources include heaters, bathrooms, gas stoves, carpets, household
products and materials used in the building such as asbestos, lead and formaldehyde. In addition to some common sense measures like regular cleaning, proper ventilation, using non-toxic products and installing carbon monoxide detector, I've been using four natural "helpers" in purifying the indoor air. I've mentioned some of them before in my other posts, but I thought I'd do a quick summary of the top four.
Hot Mulled Wine Recipe: Traditional Christmas Drink in Europe.
This Sunday I woke up not feeling very well, but since I didn't want to take any medications I thought it would be great to start this Christmas season with a natural "healer" that also happens to be a very popular Christmas drink in Europe - Hot Mulled Wine (aka Glühwein). A few years ago while Andrey and I were in Russia during Christmas holidays he was able to treat my extremely bad cold with this miraculous drink within just one day! And it tastes just like Christmas - can it get any better?;-) Oh, yeah, it can, cause it's also very easy and fun to make!
My Christmas Movies Marathon - ONLY One Week Left!!!!
Homemade Christmas Tree Scented Spray - All-Natural with Essential Oils

Christmas season without the scent of a real pine tree is just... not complete:-( Yet for the past 7 years I didn't have a real Christmas tree - they just take SOOO MUCH effort to bring, install and maintain (lazy me, what can I say?:-). But even when I did go through all that trouble a few years ago, the tree would not smell neither strong nor long enough. So I always wanted to find an all-natural spray that would smell identical to the Christmas trees we used to have when I was little. I finally found it!!!! Well, made my own to be exact;-) And not only does it smell like REAAAAL Christmas and is all-natural, it actually has some amazing aromatherapeutic properties - don't we all long for those in winter?;-))))
Six Additional Uses of Toilet Bombs - WHO Knew?!;-)))
Over the past month I've been using our toilet bombs in literally every single situation I could! And almost every time the bombs DID work for the purposes I was trying to use them for - UNBELIEVABLE! What I love the most is that in some cases I was reusing the same bombs for more than just one application: for example, I would put the bombs on the shelf to deodorize the room, and once the essential oil scents faded away I would use those same bombs in a fruit soak or as a nail cleaner;-)) I was so amazed by how multifunctional those babies are that I decided to share with you my list of top six "other" toilet bombs uses. Warning: some of them are weird;-)
Life in Pictures: Our Short Vacation in Oregon
Andrey has been "threatening" me with this trip for five months already: he loves Oregon yet I can't seem to handle long road trips well. That's why he told me about it only a few days before we left, so that it would be too late to cancel the reservation (he always does that;-) Yet at the end I was glad he made me take this short vacation - it was definitely much needed!
DIY Anti-Puff Eye Roller (Cooling, Firming + Anti-Aging) – Homemade Recipe for Under Eye Circles and Bags.
When I heard about Anti-Puff Eye Rollers for the first time I knew RIGHT AWAY that I needed one! Well, who doesn't?! No wonder there are more and more of those on the market, yet their natural versions are still hard to find and hard to afford, that's why I had to come up with my own;-)))) It turned out quite easy to make plus I decided to add some moisturizing, firming and anti-aging ingredients to it so that I don't have to apply any eye cream after that - yes, I'm lazy like that;-) Ok, let's get it rolling?
New Beginnings and New... Church.
Week of Prayers at Bayside Church
Homemade Christmas Gift Idea: Gingerbread House Candle (All-Natural with Essential Oils). Cool Winter DIY;-)
Who is ready for Christmas? I most certainly am!!! I know it may seem too early but I've been waiting to do this Gingerbread Candle project since May - I can NOT wait any longer;-) Plus ginger+cinnamon+clove is a signature scent of fall, too - it's even in the pumpkin spice blend! But this candle is even yummier, because it also has vanilla - Christmas isn't complete without the warm vanilla cookie flavor, right? And my favorite part is that these candles are made naturally with essential oils. Ok, let's make them!!!
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