This Sunday I woke up not feeling very well, but since I didn't want to take any medications I thought it would be great to start this Christmas season with a natural "healer" that also happens to be a very popular Christmas drink in Europe - Hot Mulled Wine (aka Glühwein). A few years ago while Andrey and I were in Russia during Christmas holidays he was able to treat my extremely bad cold with this miraculous drink within just one day! And it tastes just like Christmas - can it get any better?;-) Oh, yeah, it can, cause it's also very easy and fun to make!

There's many different recipes out there online. The one I used is pretty simple and quick.
- Red Wine - I used Pinot Noir
- Orange
- Ground Cloves
- Pumpkin Pie Spice - Love that combo!
- Honey
- Vanilla Beans
I was not using specific amounts of each ingredient while I was preparing the drink. I simply first poured wine into a saucepan, then added some honey, spices, sliced orange and brought it to a slow boil. After that I let it simmer for about 5 minutes, then strained and served in tea cups with cinnamon sticks. That's IT! Nothing can beat THAT, right? So much goodness in one drink♥♥♥
I hope you had a great Thanksgiving! And all the decorating chaos didn't drive you crazy yet;-)
Don't forget to enjoy the season - that's what we have it for!
Мммм! Глинтвейн! Какая прелесть после холодной улицы)) Или на холодной улице выпить такой коктейль))
ReplyDeleteАйй, Наташенька, таааак снежка захотелось! А то как то незаслужено кажется пить глентвейн. когда на улице не так уж и холодно:-(
DeleteПочти как у Пушкина: " И пунша пламень голубой" Приятных снов ( это к тому, что у вас - глубокая ночь):)))).
ReplyDeleteСпасибо, Галина - только ночью на блог остаётся время заглядывть:-)))
DeleteМашенька, спасибо за рецепт!!
ReplyDeleteВ моем сознании глинтвейн неразрывно связан с Рождеством. Я к этому согревающему напитку пристрастилась в Германии. Там без ароматного Glühwein не обходится ни один рождественский базар.
Романтика! Глентвейн и рождественский базар - очень хотелось бы как-нибудь побывать;-)))
DeleteOh, it's worth the try!
ReplyDeleteHi Maria, thank you so much for your comments on my blog and sorry for such a late reply. I have not been on my blog much of late and really need to get back to it. I will add your blog to my list that I am following x
ReplyDeleteAhh, I fell totally in love with the pastel tones of your blog - especially with those gorgeous tins;-)))
DeleteOhh Mariaa thank you a lot for sharing this recipe. I will definitely try it!
ReplyDeleteHugs and kisses,
Anastasia :*
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it, Anastasia;-)
DeleteI love mulled wine but I haven't found a recipe I like yet. Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteWow, then you might be an expert in mulled wines then, Ashley;-))) I just used whatever I felt like including in my recipe;-))))
DeleteОх, как своевременно, у нас тут метель...как раз то, что доктор прописал)
ReplyDeleteАхх, Инночка, давай нам метель вашу!!! хоть чуточку;-)))
DeleteI bet you home smelled amazing after this! Looks really good, can't wait to try it out :-)
ReplyDeleteOh, it did! I loved it;-) I might try it out again today for my movie night;-))))
DeleteLooks so yum! This drinks will be a great choice for winter.
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