In addition to "Life in Pictures" posts that I sometimes do (and plan to do more often;-) I'm starting a series of posts called "Highlights of the Week" where I'll be highlighting just random stuff that I came across within a week. I'm hoping to do it each weekend, but since I'm posting my very first one on Wednesday, I called it "Highlights of Last Week":-) Please let me know what you, guys, think;-)))) I appreciate ALL the comments you've been leaving, you can't imagine how excited I'm to read EVERY single one of them!!! Thank you♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
In this first post I have three "highlights" I want to share with you:
1. Self-Driving Cars by Google
and talking to Senator Padilla who was reached out by Google to legalize autonomous vehicles in California.
If you live in California or Nevada you have probably seen those cars "driving" around already.
(here is a little video recorded inside Google's autonomous car)
They were legalized in Nevada last year, because Google needed some place to test them. But they kept "driving" them in California, too... illegally. Now they've partnered with Sen. Alex Padilla to help them legalize self-driving cars. Can you believe it? We'll soon have vehicles that will be driving COMPLETELY by themselves, and you know what? I first thought it was scary, but after talking to Sen. Padilla I realized that it IS actually safer than having a human drive. Those robots don't text, don't drink, they don't experience fatigue and they have radars allowing them to detect and react to the things that no human can possibly see.
Senator Alex Padilla tested one himself as well;-))
I FINALLY got around to doing a DIY project. I had been thinking about this particular one for quite some time - it seemed like it would be a whole lot of fun to do these shower jellies and even more fun to use them afterwards! And so I HAD to give it a try!;-)

I used this video recipe:
2. DIY Bath Craft: Homemade Shower Jellies (Jello Soap)

I FINALLY got around to doing a DIY project. I had been thinking about this particular one for quite some time - it seemed like it would be a whole lot of fun to do these shower jellies and even more fun to use them afterwards! And so I HAD to give it a try!;-)

I used this video recipe:
3. Some Photos:
I came across those and couldn't help posting them - we had some really good time during that trip to Clear Lake resort. And I still can't ride those ripsticks!!!
мне очень нравится читать твой блог, ты просто умница и красавица. твой блог помогает мне в практике английского, а так же заряжает меня на целый день) Я безумно благодарна тебе, что ты ведешь свой блог)
ReplyDeleteOlen'ka, ya bezumno rada, chto tebe pomogaet moy blog!!! Spasibo ogromnoe za teplie slova:-) i ya rada, chto pomogayu s angliyskim, t.k. samoy prixodilos' uchit' angliyskiy v shkole v Rossii bez repetitorov, bez spez shkol i DAJE bez interneta!! Xvatalas' za lyubuyu vozmojnost' i viuchila! Udachki!!!
DeleteКак все таки красиво,хороший пост много полезного,жалко что гугл плохо перевел,но все же нравится.))
ReplyDeleteSpasibo, Katen'ka! Ya ran'she pisala i na russkom, no eto ochen' dolgo zanimaet, ya ochen' medlenno pechatayu na russkoy klaviature:-((( Da i praktiku nekotorim daet, ya nadeyus'!;-)
DeleteВремени бы побольше!
Очень мне нравятся посты!
Spasibo, ogromnoe, Mashen'ka;-)
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteI'm SO INCREDIBLY sorry - I accidentally removed the comment!!!:-(((( When I see that re- underneath the comment - I immediately assume it's a "Reply", but it was "Remove"! And it's not letting me to restore it now:-((( Gosh, I'm SO SORRY!!! But thank you!!! It was nice that you found it lovely;-)))) I thought I was looking pathetic on those ripsticks and gave up trying!;-))))
Deletecool blog))
ReplyDeleteбуду рада если и ты посетишь мой, а тем более, если станешь читателем ;)
Maria, you a just beatiful!
ReplyDeleteAnechka, thank you so much;-))))
Deletehi there! it seems like you got some pretty awesome diy bath stuff! I wanna try some of them! also, the julep maven thing for a penny I wanted to let you know that if you dont want to receive the box the following month, make sure you cancel or else they will just take the $$ and send the box every month--I just wanted to give you a heads up! thanx for stopping over to my blog!
ReplyDeleteErica, thanks for letting me know, cause I was actually thinking that they might do that. you're just awesome!!!
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ReplyDeleteПриветик!!!! как дела у тебя?
DeletePrivet, Marinochka! U menya xorosho! Kak u tebya? Kak tvoi mechti i plani - prodvigayutsya?
Deleteмне так нравится твой блог:) всегда интересно читать и всегда красивые фотографии ;)
ReplyDeleteNasten'ka, ti prosto chudo - tvoi komentarii mne bezumno nastroenie podnyali;-)))
Deleteотличный пост) фотографии очень красивые!)
ReplyDeleteSpasibo, Natashen'ka! Mne neveroyatno priyatno!!!;-)))
Deleteинтересно:) несколько последних фото очень красивые)
spasibo bol'shoe, Olen'ka!!!
DeleteБыло очень интересно почитать про автономные автомобили. Спасибо за информацию!
ReplyDeleteФотографии красивые:)
Spasibo ogromnoe! I obojayu vsye, chto svyazano s noveyshimi texnologiyami;-)))
DeleteOMG! You live in California! What a happy girl! ^^
ReplyDeleteI do, Dashenka! Yes, it is the greatest place on the entire planet, I truly love it here!